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What People Are Saying

I have family!

2 years ago

Being part of Celebrate Recovery and Broken Chains has given me a true family for the first time in my life. Jeff is the best brother anyone could ever hope for and his wife, Pamela is an amazing sister to have. They are leaders in recovery and restoration. Jeff’s book should be read by everyone. It has a message that could heal and give hope to so many. Just when I thought I had come to an acceptance that I would spend the second half of my life without family, there they were.

AnnaStiina Davenport

Gods People

2 years ago

When I moved here in North Carolina from Delaware I had no idea it was God moving me. I have experienced so many things the past 13 years of my life here. I met Jeff & Pam in 2016 while attending CR at Freedom Biker Church. I had never heard of the program before then and was going through a difficult time in my life ( hurts, habits, hang ups) that I needed help and started attending CR on a Friday night. Once there I met Jeff and listened to his experiences through Celebrate recovery . I then realized I was not alone like I thought in this life and I began to obey Gods commands for my life. I got saved, baptized, attended programs offered by CR, eventually became a Broken Chains member and allowed God to work on me by listening to Gods people (Jeff & Pam) . Jeff is a leader in Christs word by sharing the gospel through a motorcycle ministry. He & his wife Pam are people just like you and I . They are very loving and down to earth. Just the way God wants them to be. I truly believe that if it hadn’t been for God placing Jeff and Pam in my life, my life would be very different and I would not be in the place where God wants me to be. Earlier this year I was placed in a position I never imagined and I had someone reach out to Jeff for help. He was there! Supporting, encouraging and helping me in ways no one else could! That’s Gods people! I love my brother and sister dearly and thank God everyday for them! He has molded Jeff to be the one who brings countless lost souls to Jesus to change through words of kindness, life’s experiences and his endless love for God! Gods people like no other!


Recovery help

2 years ago

I met Jeff Stultz through my father. He has been a big encouragement to my recovery. Through his book and talking with him I have been clean and sober almost 3 years (10/31/2019

Beth Snyder Pollitt

Response from Jeff Stultz

Thank you sister. Keep looking up!

Keeping God number 1

2 years ago

I met Jeff through the ministry of CR and joined broken chains shortly after I started attending. I always heard of Jeff but didn’t have a chance to meet him until last year. I heard the story about why his member number is 2 and after meeting him and Pamela I got to see they truly do keep God number one. He truly is a motorcycle missionary spreading the love of God.

Mark “Gorilla” Stevens 1522

Response from Jeff Stultz

Thanks brother. It was our pleasure to meet you in person and we’re honored to serve with you.

A brother who Loves full heartedly

2 years ago

I had been in CR for 8 years, I remember when I heard about the start of Broken Chains. I thought for years it was only for the motorcycle riders. Then after I learned I could join I still had a fear of motorcycles from a death that happened on one 20 years ago. I’m a co-leader at my CR and we had Jeff come to an event one night and I thought this guy he’s a big deal he won’t have time to talk to someone like me. I was so wrong, he was the real deal and I was another one of his sisters. That night I joined broken chains because of his love and compassion. A few months later I went to a bike blessing and was overwhelmed with more brothers and sisters that loved me just the same! That day I borrowed one of Jeff’s helmets and rode on a motorcycle again facing fear with love . Jeff embraces and expresses Gods one commandment “to love one another as I loved you” in the truest form, he is a light that this world needs more of!

Chriss Houston

Response from Jeff Stultz

Bless you sister. So glad God could use me to touch your life. They’ll know us by our love, thank you for loving me sis.

Want to leave a message for Jeff?

Jeff Stultz


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